
War – Second fase

Written by Pablo González and Pedro Nonay trying to understand War’s consequences.

Entry 11 – War (second phase)

People’s alternatives.

We had the answers, … and they changed the questions.

12 February 2023

I begin this entry 11 with many doubts about which news to put at the beginning of the entry (in the new context part), and which to put at the end (in the recommended links part). I say this because many important things have happened, but few of them are totally substantial. That is to say, we are in transition moments of this War.

I’ll do my best, but I recommend getting to see what I put at the end.

Before starting with the entry, I want to say that the earthquake in Turkey and Syria has occurred. It is not something related to the war (which is the objective of these entries), but it is something very sad, which generates a lot of suffering. It reminds us how fragile we are as individuals, and how fragile are our structures, physical (buildings) and social (governments). The saddest thing I have seen these days, and related to the War, is that there are problems for rescue teams, and emergency supplies, to reach some places affected by the earthquake because of the prohibitions generated by the War. Yuck.

My new context selection.

Recent news stories I have selected to think about contextual changes are:

Ukraine asks for tanks and planes.

In the end, Germany, despite the reluctance I mentioned in the previous entry 10, has agreed to send its Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine. It has done so on condition that the USA also sends its tanks (Abrams m1). News here. Of course, it seems that the delivery will be very slow, based on the arguments that the tanks need to be repaired and overhauled, as well as that Ukrainian soldiers need to be trained in their use. Maybe this is a theater to say that they do support, but to try to make the war end before they have to send them for real.

After that, Ukraine says it does not think it is enough, and also asks for fighter jets. News here. It is logical that the invaded country asks for what it thinks it needs, but it is also logical that the countries that help it end up getting bored that none of their aid is enough. We will see …

On this issue, Zerohedge, which is a media outlet sympathetic to the extreme wing of the Republican party, suggests that Biden’s decision to bring in the tanks (and to convince/pressure Germany) may be due to threats from Zelensky to make public a report on Biden’s family’s economic relations with Russia and China. If true, that report would do a lot of damage to Biden. You can see the news story here. And, whether that report is true or not, what is clear is that the US willingness to support Ukraine is far from unanimous.

In any case, whatever weapons Ukraine has, what must be ruled out is the fall of Russia. I say this because China will not allow it. I have already commented in previous notes that it may be in China’s interest that Russia weakens a little (so that it has less power in its bloc of countries), but it will not accept that it loses the war and is “conquered” by the West (something almost impossible), nor that its government falls and enters into near anarchy (not so impossible). China cannot accept that, because it needs Russia to remain its reliable supplier of fossil energy and agricultural grain, as we have seen in previous entries.

If China sees Russia’s extreme weakness in the war, it will help it to the extent necessary, either with weapons or with money. And, if that happens, the West will have serious problems.

Given the situation, it seems that the only (and no small) issue to be resolved is whether Russia keeps any part of Ukraine, or not. As well as how to explain the agreements to the world.

I comment here a hypothesis that Fernando del Pino tells in a link that I put at the end of the entry, which makes you think.  He says that a solution to the war would be a coup d’état in Ukraine, after which the new government would say that they cannot stand any more suffering of the people, that they surrender, and that they let Russia keep the part of Ukraine that has always been mostly pro-Russian. Thus, Ukraine stops asking for help, and NATO does not have to say that it has lost; Russia and China are satisfied, because they have demonstrated their power; and what is left of Ukraine moves closer to the West, which takes it upon itself to help in its repair. Will something similar happen? If it happens, it will be almost the same as Putin sought from the beginning, and it may generate civil war in Ukraine.

The alternatives of adaptation of people.

In the previous entry 7, I described the main features of the new world order, as well as the issues that companies must consider in order to adapt to these new times.

I will now try to look a little bit at the adaptation alternatives for individual persons.

Of course, the situation will be very different depending on the situation of each person, i.e. their country, their age, their education, their wealth, their desires, …

Before trying to sort out these alternatives, I would like to make the comment that I am encountering many people in my day-to-day life who are adopting the ostrich technique, that of not wanting to see that the world is changing. That will cause them to lose time in adapting.

The foreseeable future.

As a reminder of everything I have written, I recommend rereading the summary I made in entry 7 about the future I believe the world is heading towards. I do so because I consider it basic for making our personal decisions.

The central idea is that the world is going to change a lot, in a once-in-a-century (or longer) kind of way. It will have nothing to do with what we know.

For anyone who doesn’t want to spend time looking at that entry 7, the most central idea stated there is:

While this moment of social convergence of the blocks is coming, due to technological advances and environmental needs, there will be:

The questions we have to ask ourselves

Faced with the future situation described above, in order to make our personal adaptation decisions, each of us has to ask ourselves several questions, always depending on our age, our country, our ambitions and likes, our economic situation, …

The answer to these questions will determine the type of decisions we will each need to make to adapt to the new times.

A first approach I can think of to these questions is the following, always conditioned by the personal circumstances of each individual:

Once we have the answers to these questions for our personal situation, it is time to develop the implementation strategy. This will be something particularized to each case.

Here the time factor and the priorities factor have a great influence. I say that because there may be incompatibility in the answers to the questions, and this incompatibility will have to be resolved. Let me give you an example: let’s imagine that I have decided that I do want to move to another country, and I also want to change the way I have invested my savings, but I have realized that divesting my savings will take me a long time. In that case, I have to see if I can manage the work of that savings divestment from the new country, or if I should stay in the old one until the divestment is finished.

The rower is incompetent.

After what has been said, it is clear to all of us that we are faced with tough decisions in difficult times.

In those moments, one of the most important things is not to lose your clarity of ideas, … or your sense of humor. 

We must avoid letting ourselves be carried away by stupid inertias, and by well-decorated customs.

That is why I think it is appropriate to put here the old joke about the rower, which many of you may know. The full text of that joke is here (I highly recommend reading it, to have a good time, and to think if we are not making the same mistake with much more serious things). The moral is clear: less nonsense about consultant analysis when it does not apply, and more about getting to the heart of the problem.

There is another old graphic joke that I always liked. It refers to communication problems between teams on a project. It is the one about the design of the swing (here). The moral is that you know what you want, but you don’t know what is going to be done after many people’s opinions. Same thing: less opinions and more action.

I have told these old jokes because they have come to my mind with recent Spanish news. It turns out that contracts for hundreds of millions of euros in trains have had to be delayed for years because the measurements of the trains given to the contractors do not allow those trains to fit in the actual existing tunnels. Shame on those of us who are engineers. It seems that no one did their checks.

Unfortunately, these things happen more often than expected. There has already been a NASA shuttle accident because an engineer interpreted the measurements on the plans as being in inches, when they were in centimeters.

Readings that have interested me.

In the process of writing this entry I have come across the following issues that have caught my attention. Some of them are related to what has been discussed in this entry, and others are not, but I recommend that you check them out.

This is as far as I have come for today, … and for this string of entries. 

I have decided that, on the almost anniversary of the start of the War, and after having analyzed what I considered, I must close the cycle. 

I hope to start a new chain of entries soon. I also hope that circumstances will allow that chain to be oriented to the construction of the new world, because I hope that the stage of destruction of the old one will be over (or very soon).

Thanks to all of you who have read me, and to those of you who have given me ideas and information.

If you have any feedback or comments on what I’ve written, feel free to send me an email at

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